Friday 21 August 2015

Sisterhood Of The World Blogger's Award 2

Sisterhood of the world blogging award 2Firstly, I would like to thank MudPie Fridays for the nomination!

The rules!
Thank the blogger who gave you the award & link back to their blog.
Answer the 10 questions given to you.
Nominate 7 bloggers for the award.
Write 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
Display the award on your blog or post.
I'm going to cheat a little here. As I've been nominated before, I've already nominated bloggers and written the questions. If you would like to take part, consider yourself tagged! See the original post for the questions.

My answers

Why did you start blogging?
I originally started blogging just to practice writing for an audience, but I fell in love with it, so here I still am! For more details, I wrote a post about it.

What is your favourite post to date?
So many to choose from! Probably this one. It's about an issue I feel is very important in today's society, but is often overlooked.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I would stop overthinking things, and just do them!

What are you most proud of?
Would it be too tragic to say this blog?

If you were given three wishes what would they be?
1. To have enough money to be able to not work, and actually live life rather than wasting it at work
2. To be able to read minds
3. For myself and my family and friends to always be happy and healthy

Which one of your possessions has the most sentimental value to you?
I'm not really one for attaching sentiment to objects. I believe that you're memories are in your heart and your head. If I was forced to choose, I would say the keep sakes of both my Grandfathers from when they died. (A pen and a set of darts!).

What is your favourite tipple?
This would be a tie between rose wine and Southern Comfort - I feel a weird cocktail mixing the two coming on!

What have you been reading recently?
I am currently reading a couple of books that are to be reviewed on my blog. I can't name them as they haven't been released yet. I just finished Grey by E. L. James and I'm also currently re-reading the Divergent series by Veronica Roth.

Who is your all time favourite artist/album/song?
I have so many! The ones I can listen to quite happily on repeat over and over are Taylor Swift and Led Zeppelin - kind of opposite ends of the scale there.

Share a recent picture of yourself (this is not compulsory)
The most recent picture I have of myself was for my personal licence, and it is far too hideous to share here or anywhere!

Thanks again for the tag!

You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!

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