
Monday, 18 May 2015

Y Is For You Decide!

Day 25 of my A to Z Challenge. Y is for You Decide!.
If you don't know how this works, I've posted the link back to the rules of the challenge at the end of this, along with a link to yesterday's post. If you want to read my full alphabet, just keep following the links. Each day has a link back to yesterday's post.

On Saturday, I wrote a post about writing for yourself (check it out here if you missed it This might sound contradictory to that but bear with me. As I said in the that post, I write for myself, as in I write my true opinions, even if they might not be the popular opinions.

That doesn't mean I don't value my readers' input - I do! I enjoy writing my blog, and I want people to enjoy reading it.

Which brings me onto today's topic - You Decide! What do you, the reader, want to see more of? Less of?

Don't be shy - I am throwing the gates wide open!

Is there a topic you want me to cover? Tell me and I will do a post on it! A particular subject or area you want to know my opinion on? Tell me and I will write a piece on it! Anything you want to ask me? Seriously, no holds barred, ask me and I will do an answer post! Maybe you would like me to review your blog, book, website etc?

You can submit any questions, requests or just general observations 3 ways: in the comments section of this post, via Twitter @randommusings29 or email me Include your blog name/link to be referenced in the post, and your Twitter name for a shout out when the post goes live or if you want to remain anonymous, just let me know!

All of the feedback from this is going to be used in July's theme - All About The Reader. I am also looking for some guest posters, to write posts about them. It can be anything - a product you love, a day out, a diary style post, facts about you, literally anything about you! For more details and to take part, please email me

To re-iterate, I might regret this, but anything goes! I look forward to hearing from you all!

Do you think this is a good idea?

Follow me on Twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)

Link to rules:
Link to X Is For X Factor Of Writing:

The Mommy Life
Super Busy Mum
Brilliant blog posts on
Mami 2 Five


  1. I would like you to write about ambition. I'll leave you to interpret that as you will. x

    1. Thank you for your input :) July's theme on my blog is going to be "All About You, The Reader" so I will be posting all the requested topics etc then. I will be putting ambition on my calendar, thanks again :)

  2. Let me see, I would love to read about motivation, when we know that we need to do something, lets say physical exercise but we simply don't have the strength or motivation to do it.

    How about this? #themommylife

    x Marta

    1. Thanks for your feedback :) I will add it to my schedule for July's theme!

  3. What a great idea! What about a book review?

    Thanks for linking up at #themommylife

    1. Thank you Susan, I will add that to July's theme :) Thanks for hosting :)

  4. I love to write and read posts about positivity, gratefulness, & happiness! ;) #brilliantblogposts

    1. Thank you for the feedback! I will add that to July's schedule :)

  5. I agree with Cuddle Fairy. Since this is my first visit to your blog, I don't know wha tyou normally write about, but I love to read motivational posts and posts about positivity. I totally understand you write your own opinions, but it's also nice to know what your readers enjoy reading.

    1. I don't really have a particular niche, I write about anything and everything! For me writing has to be for yourself or you wouldn't enjoy it, but it's a two way street - you have to deliver topics your readers enjoy. Thank you for your feedback :)
