
Monday, 18 May 2015

Thoughts Of The Day Week One

As some of you may know, I do a daily Thought Of The Day tweet over on Twitter. I've been thinking for a while of making these into a post, but it's something I've never gotten around to actually doing. And then Becky over at the Cuddle Fairy blog started an amazing new linky all about quotes (Check out week 1 here which has pushed me to start doing this post.
It's now going to be a regular feature on Mondays, so I hope you all like it. Every Monday, I will do a post using all of the previous week's thoughts!

Monday: Do you ever feel like you're blogging about blogging about blogging?

Tuesday: Big successes are born from big mistakes and failures. Never give up!

Wednesday: Your dreams will never come true if even you don't believe in them

Thursday: If you don't love you, how can you expect anyone else to?

Friday: Never sacrifice your happiness for anyone. If they are worth it they wouldn't want you to. If they want you to they are not worth it


Saturday: Learn from the past, live in the present and dream of the future!

 Sunday: Only by feeling true sorrow can you appreciate true joy

What do you think? Do you like a good quote? Which one is your favourite?

Follow me on twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)

Cuddle Fairy
What Katy Said


  1. Wow, Debbie! What a wonderful choice of quotes, and I love how you chose to designate one quote for each day of the week.The quote that spoke to me the most was Monday's "blogging about blogging about blogging." I DEFINITELY feel that way! Blogging has taken over all of my free time! Also, everything I do in my daily life, I find myself thinking, "Can I blog about this?" It's like an addition! xx

    1. Thank you :) Monday's quote is like my life story at the moment - it's definitely addictive! Lol I do that too, everything is a post opportunity!

    2. Loved it, I can personally relate to all xx

  2. I love a good quote! Yep I can definitely relate to Monday's ha! #happydays x

    1. I think all of us bloggers feel that way sometimes :)

  3. Love the idea of doing a quote a day ...Ha ha like Katie & Lisa Mondays definitely resinates!! I was struggling balancing work and parenthood, now with blogging I don't think I am doing any of them particularly well! Hope you have a good week xx #HappyDaysLinky

    1. Blogging has a habit of creeping up on you and sort of taking over doesn't it. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. These are great - I love Friday's particularly. :)

    We should never let anyone else stand in the way of our happiness.

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  5. I especially love Saturday's quote, I am a big believer of looking forward. Great roundup! Thank you for joining in with #HappyDaysLinky x

    1. Me too - we can't change the past but we can certainly change our futures! Thank you and thanks for hosting :)
