
Anything Goes linky

Anything Goes linky My Random Musings

#AnythingGoes linky, live every Monday at 12.05am through to Sunday 11.55pm so it's never too late to link up! All blog/vlog niches welcome, all post types welcome :) As the name suggests, it really is #AnythingGoes :)

Current linky:


How it works
1. Link up to 3 posts, old or new, per week
2. Please add my badge to any linked up posts - copy and paste the code below into the HTML section of your post.
3 Please read and comment on at least 2 other posts, but feel free to do as many as you want to! The more you share the love, the more love you will get back!
4. To keep up to date with what's happening when, feel free to follow me on Twitter @randommusings29
5. Share your post's URL on Twitter using #AnythingGoes and tag me @randommusings29 and I will retweet (as many times as you want to!).

I will also be adding pinnable images from linked up posts to the #AnythingGoes Pinterest board, which you can check out here:

Feel free to grab the button now!

My Random Musings

There will also now be the #AnythingGoes People's Choice award. If you are the winner, you will be able to grab and display the below badge. Massive thanks to Trista from Domesticated Momster for designing the badge!


  1. Love the new badge! It's hard to pick a theme for a linky. Easier just to go with whatever. Great job!

    1. Thank you :) I like the idea of a themed linky, but it just feels like I'm excluding too many great people and too many great posts. That doesn't mean you're off the hook though - I am still eagerly awaiting your short story! :D

    2. I worked on it last night and will do some more tonight. I promise you's coming. :)

  2. Great badge! It suits your blog and ideas. :)

    1. Thank you :) The niche linky didn't feel like "me". This one does! Hope to see you linking up :)

  3. Awesome. When does it go live? I see no linky button, or I am blind ;)

    1. It'll be going live next Monday, I just thought I would put the word out and let people know what was going on :)

  4. This is awesome. I love reviewing books etc but life seems to get in my way and I don't get to read as much as I want to. Summer holidays for me Dec - Jan! This is so cool - I will be linking up weekly. Mel xx

    1. Thank Mel, I look forward to reading your posts! I know what you mean about life sometimes getting in the way! :) x

  5. Will happily join, make sure to let me know on the day though! Memory is terrible! x

    1. Thank you :) I'll send you a shout out when it's live!

  6. I will join too. Just give me a shout out when it is live! Thanks, x

  7. This is great! I look forward to linking up and reading others' posts :-)

  8. Your linkys badge is adorable! xo

    adorn la femme

  9. I've added you to my free add linky board for Linkies that start on Mondays. All the best with it; general linkies are definitely more popular. #BlogBounce

    1. Thank you so much, hope to see you linking up :)

  10. What a fab new badge! 😉 Thanks so much for the mention and for hostessing #AnythingGoes. It truly is one of the best linkys on my list that I am keeping.

    1. It's great isn't it, someone very good at designing did it for me ;) Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy it!

  11. OOOOh I just noticed too that you reached your 100,000 goal and surpassed it! Congrats lady! That's a lot of views. And yes I know I still need to do my bucket list **bows head under desk**

    1. Aww thank you, I was so excited when it happened. I actually made a little squeaky noise haha! No rush at all :)
