
Monday, 2 November 2015

Thought Of The Week - Week 1

Welcome to the first thought of the week post!
Thought Of The Week - Week 1

Feel the fear and do it anyway!
As regular readers will know, I usually write a weekly thought of the day round up where I post a quote for each day of the week.
I have been having a think about this, and I have decided that a post with seven quotes in it is a bit much and I think they are getting a bit repetitive, so I have decided to change the format slightly.
I will still be posting my daily thought of the day on Twitter, then I will choose my favourite one to post here in a thought of the week post.
What do you think? Is the new format better and less repetitive or did you prefer the old way? Let me know in the comments (please be honest, I wouldn't ask if I didn't want your true opinion!) :)
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Cuddle Fairy

Super Busy Mum
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What Katy Said


  1. I like the change! And I adore the quote! It's good to face our fears because if we don't, we'll never know what we could be missing in life! #candidcuddles xx

    1. Thanks Katie :) I agree, sometimes the things that we are afraid of are the things that could be brilliant for us if we only dared try them! x

  2. I like the change too. I think it'll also help you focus on the one amazing quote that really calls out to you each week.

    I love this one and try to practice it as much as I can!! #candidcuddles

    1. I think it will help focus, every week there is that one I know I would choose and it will be nice to be able to talk a little about why :)

  3. It is good to mix things up occasionally. I love the quote about fear - we all need to conquer this! Thanks for sharing with us at #AnythingGoes.

    1. Thank you, it's a really good feeling to know you were scared of something but still did it! Thanks for hosting :)

  4. Yes, I think it sounds like a good idea. & a great classic this week! #MMWBH

  5. I have been impressed that you manage 7 quotes every week - I think this is a great idea hun. This is a powerful quote & graphic this week! Thanks so much for sharing your quote with #candidcuddles x

    1. Thank you :) It will make life easier for you too not having to choose one lol! Thanks for hosting :)

  6. I love the quote. In fact I love almost all quotes lol Good or bad. The change you suggest sounds a good one. #MMWBH

  7. I love the quote, very appropriate for me at the moment! Have a lovely sunday :-) Rebecca from #happydays

    1. Thank you, glad you liked it :) You have a good day too!

  8. It is your blog, do what makes you happy :-) As long as you carry on with the quotes in some form I will be happy- always so inspirational :-)
    Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

    1. Thanks Katy, you're right! There will definitely be quotes, don't worry :) Thanks for hosting :) x
