
Friday, 6 November 2015

5 Easy Ways To Eat Healthily

5 easy ways to eat healthily
These last few weeks, I have decided I'm sick of eating rubbish food and drinking sugar laden drinks. I decided to start eating a bit healthier. It is something I have thought about for a while and have finally started doing.

I know a lot of people want to be healthier, but often it is finding the motivation to start that is the problem.

Also, I think a lot of people think it is going to be very expensive. If you choose to eat 100% organic etc, I agree it can be expensive, but just to make a few sensible changes, it doesn't have to break the bank. Especially with supermarkets such as Aldi doing such good deals on fruit and vegetables.

Here are my top five tips for starting to eat healthier without a whole lot of effort:

1. Avoid the word diet
What I am talking about here isn't a diet, it is a lifestyle change. I believe the word diet has negative connotations. It conjures up images of weighing food, restricting everything and feeling hungry all the time. For me, healthy eating should be about feeling better not worse.
Also, a diet has an end time. Healthy eating as a lifestyle choice doesn't. Being healthier is the goal, not losing a couple of pounds.

2. Eat smaller portions
A good way to be healthier is to not over eat. Most people eat portions that are too big without even realising it. And how often do you keep eating once you feel full just because there is still food on your plate?
A good way to combat this is to use a smaller plate. A large plate with a small portion on can look like you aren't getting much, whereas a smaller plate that is full visually looks the same, but you won't feel stuffed after your meal.
This will also help reduce costs as you aren't using as much food.

3. 50/25/25 method
If the thought of weighing and measuring food fills you with dread (it does me, I couldn't think of a better way to put me off eating healthily than if I have to weigh every meal!), try the 50/25/25 method.
It doesn't have to be exact, but basically, your plate should contain 50% vegetables or salad, 25% lean protein such as chicken or fish and 25% complex carbs such as brown rice or sweet potatoes.
4. Learn to tweak your favourites
For example, if you love pizza, instead of buying one, make your own healthy version. So you could use a wholemeal base, plenty of tomato and a little bit of low fat cheese, then some vegetables as a topping.

5. Have a treat now and again
Firstly, I would say if you are using a reward system to motivate yourself, you shouldn't be using food as a reward, as this builds the wrong relationship with food. Food is fuel for your body, nothing more and using it as a reward makes it something more than that. Try to think of none food related treats - a day at the spa, a bubble bath, a new lipstick, whatever you fancy that's not food.
Having said that, there is nothing wrong with having the odd treat. For example, if you are going to a party or a special restaurant, have whatever you want as long as it isn't too often!

After a few weeks of eating better, you will find yourself automatically making the healthy choice, as healthy eating becomes a habit in the same way that eating junk food became a habit.

Good luck!

Do you have any tips to add? Let me know in the comments :)

You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!
Binky Linky
You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Very useful post. The 50/25/25 rule is really easy to remember and I agree that a treat every now and then never hurt anyone!

    1. Thank you :) I think the rule is nice and simple and takes the hassle out of measuring everything. And we all need a treat every now and then :)

  2. I think I would find the 50:25:25 rule really hard. I love carbs and I find that the hardest thing to cut down on.

    1. It can be hard to cut down on carbs, if its something you struggle with, switch the carbs for healthier ones eg brown rice, pasta, bread etc its better than nothing!

  3. I've just started eating healthier again, in hopes to loose a few lbs before Xmas. Eating smaller portions is the key and also not saying "I'm on a diet" that just sets me up to fail! Great tips here. Thanks for sharing. xx

    1. Thank you :) Yes, I'm the same once I say I'm on a diet I just start wanting chocolate lol! x

  4. As a Dietitian this is a very refreshing post!! Would agree with it all! Good luck and let us know how you get on!! xx #binkylinky

  5. Great tips here and really quite simple advice to follow. I spend some time with fitness and nutrition coaching and one rule of thumb I like to preach to my clients is: avoid foods from a bag or a box. In other words, focus more on whole, unprocessed food sources. You'll feel fuller long and avoid cravings for junk. Thanks for sharing on #BinkyLinky

    1. Thank you :) That's a really good one to avoid the whole sugar spike thing!

  6. These are great tips. Glad I came across this post. I need to start getting back on plan x

    1. Thank you :) Good luck with getting back to it! x

  7. Great tips! I think I need to try the 50/25/25 rule more when dishing out meals, mine tend to be carb heavy! I agree about not using the word diet, immediate negative connotations! x

    1. I'm the same with carbs, it's so easy to have too many! x

  8. Some nice tips here, we're terrible at eating healthy and as with everyone in the new year we will 'try' to do better. x

    1. Thank you :) Its sometimes just easier to stick to old habits isn't it! Good luck for the new year :) x

  9. I'm with you on in this one. I need to start eating healthy as I've been eating Kimchi noodles a lot. SO thank you for the tips.

    1. Thank you :) It so easy to keep nibbling when they so good isn't it!

  10. I'm so glad you wrote this, I have been wanting to eat more healthier for ages but don't know where to start. But the 50/25/25 rule is really handy, gonna start with that. Thanks! x

    1. Thank you :) It's a great place to start as its not too strict but sets you on the right path! x

  11. Great post. I try to eat healthy, but know that I could make more of an effort. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

    1. Sometimes life gets in the way. I think if I do it 95% of the time I'll be happy :) Thanks for hosting!

  12. Great post, and I think you're right. Get rid of the word diet from the offset! That's usually where I fail!! Just a general change in healthier eating and way of life can do wonders xxx

    1. I often used the word diet and I found I had failed before I really got started because I was always thinking of the end date. Now I am thinking about healthier choices instead :) x

  13. Great list and healthy eating is so important good luck thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  14. Good luck, I have been thinking I really need to address my eating habits but I always put it off for next month.

    1. Thank you :) Me too, I've been saying it since July before I finally did it!

  15. Great advice and tips on eating healthy, thank you for sharing #blinkylinky

  16. I am very bad for eating healthy I have to say. But I am eating small portions. To be honest I am not a person who could eat big portions. The time I had food poisoning was also the time I started eating small portions.

    1. I can imagine food poisoning would be enough to put you off eating anything for a while!

  17. great advice... I've been utilising a few of these steps myself recently and already see a difference :)

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