
Saturday, 1 August 2015

My Top 30 All Time Favourite Blogs!

My Top 30 All Time Favourite BlogsI thought I would kick off this month's theme by sharing with you 30 of my all time favourite blogs. I read a lot of blogs. Some I read every post, some I read certain features or post types and some I read the odd post here and there.
What keeps me coming back to these blogs? It's a variety of things. Obviously I have to have at least a basic interest in the topics they are discussing, but it's so much more than that. I love blogs that are witty, sarcastic and honest. I love bloggers that write with passion and use their words to paint a picture. You will notice an overuse of the words honest, genuine, and various words for funny as you read through the list, because ultimately, those things are what keep me coming back.
If you are not on the list, please don't be offended - if I listed every blog I enjoy reading, the post would be so long it could rival Lord of the Rings! I have tried to include the blogs I read religiously, where I read at least 90% of the posts. There are still loads more I enjoy reading and I could probably write three or four of these posts without struggling to find blogs to include.
I could never rank these 30 blogs in order of preference, so I have listed them alphabetically.

Blog type: Parenting and lifestyle
Why I love this blog: I Love Prabs' writing style. She is really funny, and even her serious posts often have an element of dark humour to them. She is very open and honest in her writing, and I think everyone would be able to relate to her.
Blog type: Travel and finance
Why I love this blog: While these aren't categories I would normally associate with each other, Reece makes them work really well together. I love her writing style and her posts always contain helpful information on the given topic.
Blog type: Lifestyle, beauty and fashion
Why I love this blog: I love Becky's style posts - she always choose lovely clothes that are bright and colourful. She also has some really helpful blogging advice posts too.
Blog type: Lifestyle, parenting and positivity
Why I love this blog: Becky's blog is so positive (and no I didn't forget to change the name - Cuddle Fairy is a Becky too!). All her posts focus on seeing the good in situations, or putting a positive spin on things - something that is very refreshing to read. She also posts gorgeous recipes, and I love her inspirational quotes.
Blog type: A lifestyle blog with a twist
Why I love this blog: I love that Angela uses her blog (amongst other things) to raise awareness of a condition I hadn't even heard of until I found her blog - adrenal insufficiency - I'm not even going to attempt to explain, visit the blog, Angela does a much better job of explaining it than I ever could! I love how the blog is still so positive, and Angela doesn't let the condition get her down. I also have to mention her fortnightly feature on the adorable Yoda, her little dog!
Blog type: Lifestyle and parenting blog
Why I love this blog: I love the witty, often sarcastic writing style here. The posts are laugh out loud funny, real, and very relatable. I also love the blog's name and the logo is lush!
Blog type: Lifestyle, fashion, beauty, art and more!
Why I love this blog: I love how this blog is so upbeat and positive. Jemma's writing style is so upbeat and her genuine passion for whatever she is writing about always shines through.
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: This blog is full of amazing creative ideas and craft projects to do with your kids. I love that Katie is honest and doesn't pretend every activity turned out amazingly perfectly fabulous! A great place for inspiration for parents on a rainy day. I love her healthy recipes and inspirational quotes too.
9. Hello Anna
Blog type: Book blog
Why I love this blog: I think by now you all know I love reading and writing fiction, so a blog concentrating on books was always going to be a winner for me. Anna writes honest book reviews and I can't wait to get stuck into some of her recommendations.

10. Honest Mum
Blog type: Parenting, lifestyle, food and beauty
Why I love this blog: I love keeping up with Vicki's life, she is always on the go and has been to some incredible places. Her travel posts always make me want to drop everything and hop on a plane! Also, her photos are always amazing.

11. Inside Martyn's Thoughts
Blog type: Parenting and lifestyle blog
Why I love this blog: This blog tells the journey of home schooling children. It is a very honest blog and very well written. I have read this blog for quite sometime now and although I have always enjoyed it, recently Martyn has opened up a lot about issues that are close to him, which I think makes it even better. I truly do feel like I've been inside Martyn's thoughts!

12. Life With Baby Kicks
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: The blog tells the story of family life in Dubai in a very honest, relatable way. Laura is never judgemental of others and actively promotes a supportive community. The posts range from days out to reviews to rants - something for everybody!

13. Live Love Blog
Blog type: A magazine style blog - for bloggers by bloggers
Why I love this blog: Co-written by Aby from You Baby Me Mummy, Katy from What Katy Said and Hannah from Mum's Days, this is blog advice you can trust. These ladies know what they are talking about and are happy to share their experiences and advice. Full to busting with good advice and inspirational posts, it's a must for bloggers whether you are brand new or a blogging celebrity!

14. Melanie Greenhalgh
Blog type: Lifestyle and parenting
Why I love this blog: I love Mel's writing style, I can picture what she is describing. She is very funny and shares funny stories about her mishaps, plus parenting stories and some sound advice.

15. Modern Dad Pages
Blog type: Parenting blog from the perspective of a stay at home dad
Why I love this blog: I love the unique perspective of this blog. It's very honest and non judgemental and I enjoy the writing style. The posts vary from rants, to genuinely touching pieces about the bond between a father and his children. Not forgetting the unique linky names - anyone that can get away with calling a linky #wineandboobs deserves a mention!

16. Mumma Scribbles
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: This blog follows the life of Lisa and her family. All the posts are honest, and the writing always comes across as real and passionate. The recent post about the 7/7 anniversary brought a huge lump to my throat.

17. Poop Rainbows
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: This blog is amazing, the tag line alone is enough to explain it - My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows and Other Parenting Realisations. The writing style is sarcastic, and downright hilarious as the Mama talks about Baby's milestones. Everyday events are made brilliant! Also I have to mention the illustrations. All of the posts are accompanied by the most perfect, funny cartoon illustrations - you have to check them out!

18. Pouting In Heels
Blog type: Lifestyle
Why I love this blog: Katie is effortlessly glamorous, yet still very down to earth and this really comes across in her writing. Her posts are passionate and honest. She also has some brilliant advice for bloggers, and is very big on empowering other women.

19. Rambles, Rants and Writings
Blog type: Lifestyle and writing
Why I love this blog: This blog has a great mix of posts - from entertaining, funny stories about Janet and her family, through to things to do with children on a budget. Also there are a lot of posts about writing fiction - tips on how to write certain elements/genres, how to get published and also some of Janet's own fiction. I love the fiction parts and have picked up some great tips!

20. R Is For Hoppit
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: Another recent find for me, I love the humour in this blog. The blog tells the story of "Silly Mummy" and her parenting of The Toddler and The Baby. Full of hilarious stories of their daily live and some snippets of the funny things The Toddler says, this blog is guaranteed to make you laugh!

21. She Might Be Loved
Blog type: Plus sized fashion and beauty blog
Why I love this blog: I love Georgina's style - she always wears amazing dresses and always looks fabulous. Her passion for fashion really comes across in her writing. I also love her honest reviews - if she doesn't like something, she will say so.

22. The (Not So) Secret Diary of a Wannabe Princess
Blog type: Plus size fashion blog
Why I love this blog: This blog is written by a lady who is comfortable in her own skin and this really comes across in her writing. She is big on body positivity for all and sends out a strong message - love yourself and sod the haters! I also love her rants.

23. The Mommy Life
Blog type: Lifestyle and parenting
Why I love this blog: Susan covers some big issues on her blog such as bullying, depression etc in a very honest way. Her writing style is straight talking and real. She also has some posts about her life and some of her daily goings on. Very relatable.

24. The Pink Noam
Blog type: Lifestyle
Why I love this blog: This blog is straight to the point, honest and sweary! If you are easily offended or don't like swearing, this probably isn't for you. If not then you will love this blog. It's hilarious rants and extracts from everyday life of someone working in tech support will have you laughing out loud and nodding along in agreement from the get go!

25. The Real Military Housewife
Blog type: Lifestyle
Why I love this blog: As the name suggests, this blog is written by the wife of someone in the military. It gives an insight into a life totally different from my own and I find it so interesting. This blog is a really new find for me. You know when you read one post and you just know you're going to love it, so you binge read it? This happened to me here. The posts are all incredibly witty, even though some cover very serious topics, they still have their witty moments. The writing style allows me to instantly visualize everything she is describing. If this blogger chose to write a book, I am in no doubt that it would be an instant bestseller!

26. The Single Swan
Blog type: Parenting blog
Why I love this blog: This blog is the story of a newly single mother and her journey to get to this point. I love Pen's writing style and honesty. Her writing style is that of a strong woman but still has a certain element of vulnerability about it. It is very relatable.

27. What Katy Said
Blog type: Lifestyle and parenting
Why I love this blog: I love the mix of posts on Katy's blog. Ranging from everyday days out with her children, family holidays, product reviews, and my personal favourite her fantastic blog advice posts. Her blog is also full of stunning photographs.

28. When The Dust Settles
Blog type: Lifestyle and parenting
Why I love this blog: I love the straight talking tone of the writing here. This blog doesn't hold back and generally says what every one is thinking!

29. You Baby Me Mummy
Blog type: Family lifestyle blog
Why I love this blog:I love reading about Baby's antics and I love Aby's writing style. She is another very honest blogger and all her posts feel real and genuine. I have to say though that my favourite part is the blogging tips section. Aby doesn't know this, but she is my unofficial blog mentor! Anything I need to know or would like to work on, I always come here first and she never disappoints. Aby - if you are reading this, thank you :)

30. Zusterschap Collective
Blog type: Lifestyle blog written for women by women
Why I love this blog: Co-written by Tara and Katharine, this blog encompasses positivity, feminism, inspiration and everything in between. It is a very positive blog and it encourages women to raise each other up rather than knock each down. It is a blog with a very clear message and it covers a range of women's issues - many of them the subjects that other bloggers don't or won't.

So, there you have it - my all time top 30 favourite blogs. I'm sure you will have heard of some of these, maybe not all of them, as some of them are newer blogs, but they are all deserving of a mention here. Check a few of them out, you might find your new favourite blog! Stay tuned - over the course of the month, there will be some interviews with some of the amazing people behind these blogs!
Are your favourites here? Are there any blogs that you can't believe aren't on here? What keeps you coming back to your favourite blogs? Tell me in the comments!
You can find me here: Twitter Bloglovin Pinterest and Instagram Please do stop by and say hi!

Super Busy Mum
Let's Talk Mommy
Brilliant blog posts on
You Baby Me Mummy
The Dad Network



  1. Thank you so much, Debbie for being a wonderful blogging friend and for supporting and reading my blog. I'm honored to be on your top 30 list. Thank you for your kind words about Growing Up KaterTot. They mean so much to me! xx

    1. You're welcome, I love the ideas for projects etc on your blog and I really enjoy reading it :) x

  2. Wow, I am proud to find myself among the greats on this list. I've also found some new reads to check out. Thanks, Debs x

    1. You're welcome, I love reading your blog and looking at your illustrations :) x

  3. Thank you! This has made my day! Such a brilliant and lovely idea for a post, too! & there are some blogs on here I didn't know that I now plan to check out. Thank you for the support! x

    1. You're welcome - your blog never fails to make me laugh :) x

  4. Sounds like you have a great list of regulars there! It's always great when you find a blog you love coming back to.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. Thank you - it really is! I love finding new blogs :)

    2. Thank you so much for including me in your list, honestly it means a lot as there are some really awesome bloggers listed here. Some new to me too so will go check them out. xx

    3. You're welcome, I love your blog! Hope you enjoy some of the new ones :)

  5. Thank you so much for including me in your list, that's fucking awesome!
    You're right though, I do swear a lot...

  6. Thank you so much for including me in your list, that's fucking awesome!
    You're right though, I do swear a lot...

  7. Thank you so much for including me in your list, that's fucking awesome!
    You're right though, I do swear a lot...

    1. You're welcome :) Haha, somehow the swearing makes it more honest!

  8. I'm so honoured to make your top 30 list Debbie! Thank you so much! You have the best blogs listed here & a few that are new to me I'm gonna check them out. Thanks again x

    1. You're welcome, I love the happy tone of your blog, your posts always leave me feeling uplifted. I hope you enjoy some of the new ones :) x

  9. Totally thrilled to be included in this!! Things like this make it all worth it. Some blogs I already follow in this list and a few I don't know. We're all awesome and #bloggerlove is fab.

    Great post idea too xxx

    1. I think it's important to support one another and if I love a blog (or 30 lol) I like being able to share them with others :) x

  10. Hi Debbie, absolutely delighted to be included on this list and will be spending this evening checking out some new blogs that you've identified. Thanks

    1. You're welcome, I've loved your blog since the first time I found it! I hope you enjoy some of the new ones :)

  11. Thank you Debbie, and sorry for neglecting my blog over the last few weeks! ;)


    1. You're welcome :) Sometimes life just gets in the way! Looking forward to your return :)

  12. Thank you so much for including me and Live Love Blog too. Such lovely words and I am very happy to be your unofficial blog mentor ;) xx

    1. You're more than welcome - I thoroughly enjoy both blogs, and of course the mentoring :) x

  13. I'm new to blogging so I'll check these out although a few of my faves are here :) #thelist

  14. How did I miss commenting here? Ugh I will blame it on my mind being elsewhere this week. Now that the fog is lifting I want to give a huge THANK YOU for including me in this and for such awesome words to describe how you feel about my blog. It's people like you that make me want to continue blogging. Not just for the mention but I enjoy reading your blog as well and interacting with you via all social media. I am happy to consider you part of my blogging posse' Thanks again Debbie for rocking the #bloggerlove!

    1. You're welcome, and thanks for the lovely comment :) I love the social side to blogging and feel lucky to have made some incredible friends through it!

  15. By the way....if you ever need some lush graphics done let me know...I love working on graphic design as an escape from the rest of my life :D

  16. All absolutely fabulous blogs and I follow them all myself too. Great roundup. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. #sharewithme

    1. Oh, great minds think alike lol! Thanks and thanks for hosting :)

  17. You have listed every single one of my favourites-you obvs have great taste!

    Thanks for linking up to #thelist

  18. Aw thank you so much for featuring me! Am so thrilled!! Especially love the fact that you've enjoyed the areas where I've opened up more. I was so hesitant from sharing and just keeping a parent and home school posts. With just a tad of me involved. Yet, it seems good that people like knowing an all rounded blogger. Ha! I do feel slightly that I should apologise for letting you into my thoughts! ;) but always a pleasure to have you reading.

    Love this post. I did something similar months back but after reading your o might do another one. As long as you don't mind me linking back to you in it?

    Thanks for linking up with us on the #bigfatlinky hope to see you there this week :)

    1. You're welcome :) I've really enjoyed your more personal posts - I like getting to know a little more about the person behind the blog. I often find the posts I am most scared of posting do the best! Don't apologise, it's great!
      I don't mind at all :)
      Thanks for hosting, and I'll definitely be by this week!

  19. Great list! Some new blogs here for me to check out :-) Hx

    1. Thank you :) I hope you enjoy the new blogs! x
