
Wednesday, 8 July 2015

July Reading List

July's reading list

July's reading list
                                 1. Revival by Stephen King
Revival by Stephen KingI am a massive Stephen King fan and can't wait to get stuck into this one!
2. The Demonologist by Andrew Pyper
The Demonologist by Andrew PyperA few people have recommended this one to me so here goes!
                                      3. Send Them To Hell by Sebastian Williams
Send Them To Hell by Sebastian WilliamsThis is a real life account of time spent in a Thai prison. I have read a few of these types books and generally enjoy them.
4. Myra, Beyond Saddleworth by Jean Rafferty
Myra, Beyond Saddleworth by Jean RaffertyI'm not normally one to read about conspiracy theories but something about this one caught my attention.

Which books are on your reading list?

Follow me on Twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)


  1. I've given up with Stephen King, I get bored in the middle and the exciting part at the end is over in a flash. Interested in the Thai prison one, let me know if it's any good.

    1. Stephen King was the first adult author I really got into, so I think I'm probably a bit biased. Will do :)

  2. Hi Debbie, Stopping by on the A_Z road trip.
    You are going to have a suspenseful July!
    My summer stack of books is growing by the day. For every book I finish I seem to add three more. I love reading in the summer!

  3. Hi Debbie, Stopping by on the A_Z road trip.
    You are going to have a suspenseful July!
    My summer stack of books is growing by the day. For every book I finish I seem to add three more. I love reading in the summer!

    1. I'm the same! I have a huge pile to get through, that's why I'm trying to break them down into monthly lists! Thank you for stopping by :)
