
Friday, 12 June 2015

My 5 Favourite Childhood Books

Man holding a bookToday's post was originally going to be why reading is an important education tool. After researching the topic, I realised it was just going to be a post full of links to other sites and quotes from other people. Not only is that boring to read, but it's a bit of a cop out.
I don't feel anywhere close to qualified to try and add something new to the topic, but I will say I whole heartedly agree that reading is the key to getting children interested in education. They can learn so much without even realising they are learning.
While pondering this topic, it occurred to me that I can still remember my favourite books from my time at nursery - so between 3 and 5 years old. That's a long time for any memory to stay with me, so these books must have had a deeper effect on me than I realised.
I decided to list the 5 books I still fondly remember after all this time, so if you are looking for some inspiration for something to read with your child, then you won't go far wrong starting with some of these!

1.Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Where The Wild Things Are
2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
3. The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
The Jolly Postman
4. Where's Spot by Eric Hill
5. Peepo by Janet and Allan Ahlberg
That's just a small few, there is a lot of others I could have added here. I hope you enjoyed my little trip down memory lane. What were you're favourite nursery books?
Follow me on Twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)

You Baby Me Mummy
Best of Worst


  1. Really enjoying these books with my twins. I have not read the Jolly Postman so I'll go and check that out! Thanks for sharing :) Jess x

    1. I loved anything by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, but that one was one of my top ones :) x

  2. Oh I have many happy memories of reading the boys were's spot and the Hungry Caterpillar, I also love Day Monkey Night Monkey by Julia Donaldson, such a lovely story x

    1. I don't remember reading that one. It amazes me how these books stand the test of time and are adored by children of all generations :) x

  3. I love the 'Very Dizzy Dinosaur' etc by Jack Tickle. Suck a fabulous name for the author too! #bestandworst

    1. Yes the author's name is fab for a children's writer! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Love Spot, Jolly Postman and the Caterpillar! My daughter has all 3 and is obsessed with spot and the caterpillar. They are just so good and can't be beaten! Thanks so much for linking up to #bestandworst and see you tomo hopefully xxx

    1. They really are fab, even as an adult they are still good! Thanks for hosting and you sure will :)
