
Sunday, 7 June 2015

Fictional Fun Linky 2

Welcome to week 2 of the Fictional Fun linky! I would like to start by thanking everyone who linked up last week, some great posts, which you can read here if you missed any:

Now onto this week's linky!

The theme is Fictional Fun! Link up your short stories or poems, your posts about fiction, books, writing, authors, book reviews, literally anything about fiction or books. Any genre, any age group!

I will read and comment on every post linked.

The rules.
1. Please make sure the posts fit the theme.
2. Link up to 3 posts, old or new.
3. Please add my badge to any linked up posts - copy and paste the code into the HTML section of your post.
4. Please read and comment on at least 2 other posts, but feel free to do as many as you want to! Share the love!
5. To keep up to date with what's happening when, feel free to follow me on Twitter @randommusings29
6. Share your post's URL on Twitter using #fictionalfun and @randommusings29 and I will retweet them all!
The last 2 aren't rules as such: number 5 is just a polite request ;) and as for number 6, after you go to the effort of linking up, you may as well get a bit of extra publicity for your posts :)

My Random Musings
Running in Lavender
The Dad Network


  1. I love the themes and think they're great. It just difficult to feature them as part of my regular reading. But you know what I think of your ideas. So that's fine. :) #bigfatlinky

    1. I do :) And from next week, it's going to much more general and accessible for everyone! Thanks for the support :)
