
Friday, 19 June 2015

Book Review: The Fabulous Woman's Guide Through Cancer by Nicola Bourne

Cancer ribbonI was recently asked to review "The Fabulous Woman's Guide Through Cancer" by Nicola Bourne. Although technically not fiction, I think the review still sits well with this month's theme.
I accepted this request because cancer is something that touches so many people over the course of our lives. My dad and my granddad both had cancer. I also run a support group on Facebook for women who have had or who currently have vulval cancer so the idea of this book is a good fit for me.
After reading the book, I think it fills a much overlooked hole in the process from diagnosis to remission. There is a wealth of information out there about the symptoms, treatment and practical side to cancer. There is, in my opinion, very little in the way of emotional support from someone who has been where you are.

The Fabulous Woman's Guide Through Cancer by Nicola Bourne
This book is the perfect reference book to look back on over the course of your treatment. It has useful advice about everything from childcare and support groups in your local area, to financial advice and work related advice.

The Fabulous Woman's Guide Through Cancer book cover
For me though, the best part of the book is the way the author draws on her own experience, and the experiences of others to provide emotional support. She is very open about her feelings at various times from throughout her treatment. I imagine this must have been very difficult for her, but I think it is something anyone in this situation will benefit from extensively. Only someone who has been through it themselves can truly appreciate what you are going through, and I think at a time like that, it is important to know you are not alone and that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

The book is broken down into manageable sections, and for all I think it flows well if read in order, if you aren't feeling up to a lot of reading, each section is easily identifiable if you just wanted to look for a certain point of reference.

I also think if a close friend or family member finds themselves in this situation and you are at a loss for ways to help them, the book provides some helpful pointers on how you can do this.

Overall, if you are looking for in depth medical advice, this isn't the book for you. If you are looking for a bit of guidance and some emotional support from someone who has had a similar experience to yours then this is the book for you.

Ebook available now from Amazon priced at £3.99 or free for Kindle Unlimited members. The book is now also available in paperback through Amazon and is priced at £6.99

If you choose to buy the book, let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I was asked to review this book and received a free copy in return for the post, however, all opinions are my own.

Follow me on Twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)

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