
Monday, 20 April 2015

Facebook Vs Twitter: The Big Debate

It seems these days we have to pick a side in the Facebook vs Twitter debate. Why can't we be allowed to love both! I know I do.
I use Facebook for my personal account. I think its a great way of keeping up to date with what's happening in my friends lives, seeing their status updates, pictures etc.
I'm new to Twitter, and I use it as a blogger. I always said I didn't really "get" it. I was wrong. I love, love, love it. Its perfect for promoting anything and everything. Its also great for meeting new people.
With Facebook, it would be weird to think "Oh, I love her blog, I'm going to add her as a friend", but on Twitter, that's the point. If someone says interesting things, you follow them.
The only thing that bothers me with Twitter is sometimes its hard to say everything you wanted to in 140 characters, were on Facebook I can bang on limitlessly!
I would definitely say Facebook for personal friends, Twitter for brands etc. I do know a lot of people that do this successfully the other way around though. I think its all down to personal taste, who you want to reach etc.
If I was forced to choose between only having one or the other, I really don't know. I think I would probably go with Facebook, simply because I have used it for so long, I know exactly how it works, whereas Twitter is still a bit of a learning curve for me.
Which one would you choose?

Follow me on Twitter @randommusings29 and feel free to comment :)
Super Busy Mum


  1. I'm like you, Facebook is the personal me where I only connect with people that I know personally whereas Twitter is the 'blogging' me. They both play different roles, I can't choose between the two!


    1. I'm so glad that's not just me! A lot of people say I should be promoting my blog on Facebook, but I really think Twitter is a better fit for me.

  2. I find FB great for informing people I know of new posts but twitter is where I've been finding the most new readers.

    1. Yeah that's true, Facebook is a great tool for telling family/friends about your posts.

  3. Facebook for me everytime! Thanks for linking up! #MMWBH

    1. I wish I could choose! Thank you for hosting :)
