
Friday, 6 March 2015

50 Shades Of Lunacy 6th March 2015

The school in Sale that sent home an 11 year old for dressing up as Christian Grey for World Book Day has certainly divided opinion today.
In and of itself the outfit was in no way offensive - its a grey suit. So I can only assume it's the character they found offensive. You can't exclude a character just because you don't like him. Christian Grey is currently one of the most talked about literary characters. I wonder how many children went as characters such as Voldemort, and didn't get sent home or excluded from the activities? I mean come on, they suggested the child be James Bond instead. I can't be the only person that thinks this is hypocritical to the point of ridiculous. The original womaniser, plus a killer? Yes, I see how that's better!
I would be surprised if the child even really knows who Christian Grey is. Surely by their actions, the school served only to draw more attention to it and make it a talking point.
In my opinion, it was a bit of fun. I mean it's not like he turned up in a gimp suit! 
All this publicity is certainly doing the franchise another huge favour!
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